James Bray (A.K.A. “Jim”)

A professional guide of 12 years, hunting and the outdoors have never once ceased to impress James. A family tradition, he’s been hunting with his dad in the Texas wilderness since he was 6 years old- and sharing that love for the outdoors, and for the lifelong friendships you can make on a hunting trip keep him loving his job. James has always known this was his calling, getting his degree in Wildlife Management from Sul Ross State University. Preparing for hunts, tracking animals, and then tailoring all that information to each individual client AND to each animal they’re after keeps every single hunt exciting.

“Being able to work in the hunting industry is a blessing every day, seeing the smile on a hunter’s face after a successful hunt is priceless,” James explains, “and there is nothing better to me than that.”

Get to know Jim

What is your favorite thing about being a hunting guide?

Getting the chance to show new hunters of all ages the wonders of the outdoors, and everything it has to offer is the best part of my job. Each hunt is different, each experience is unique, and I love having new adventures each time I go out.

What’s the biggest trophy you’ve ever gotten?

For graduation, my father and I went to Quebec on a Caribou hunt. This was the first time I’d ever personally been on a true, big game outfitted hunt. I wasn’t sure how it would pan out or what to expect- but it was one of the most memorable hunts of my life. We were thousands of miles from home in the tundra of the arctic circle. It was breathtaking.

What’s your favorite type of hunt?

Technically, any day I get to hunt is my favorite hunt. But whitetail hunts specifically offer a challenge that I love. There is so much preparation and management that goes into each of these deer nowadays, and I’m always on my toes.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Since I spend days at a time away, family is one of the most important focuses when I’m home. The main hobby outside of my job that I have is actually fly fishing. Never in a million years would I have expected to like it, but it’s really an art to perform and I enjoy the challenge and chase of the game.