
The Lone Oak Difference:

Wild Texas hog hunting is exhilarating from start to finish. Tracking, stalking, and harvesting one of these giant forces of nature isn’t something just anyone can do- unless you’re with the expert guides at LONE OAK. We know everything there is to know about hunting these powerful pigs, and we’ll make sure we use every last bit of knowledge we have to make your hunt uniquely tailored to you.

What’s Included:

  • Deliciously prepared meals & non-alcoholic beverages
  • Luxury lodging at our ranches
  • Field prep and trophy processing
  • Good ol’ fashioned camp fire bonding
For added convenience, we are equipped to provide you with a firearm if necessary. However, archery equipment is unavailable at this time. Transportation to a local meat processor and a reputable taxidermist is available upon request.