Jacob Sheep
The Lone Oak Difference:
Tracking a wily ram through the wilderness requires patience, skill, and a real sense of adventure. We’ll never take you on a rushed trip to a small enclosure with a cornered sheep, we tailor each hunt to you, and you only. We’ll track the perfect ram and trek with you across the wilderness, sharing stories and tips along the way. You’ll leave with more than just a trophy, you’ll leave with lifelong friends.What’s Included:
- Deliciously prepared meals & non-alcoholic beverages
- Luxury lodging at our ranches
- Field prep and trophy processing
- Good ol’ fashioned camp fire bonding
For added convenience, we are equipped to provide you with a firearm if necessary. However, archery equipment is unavailable at this time. Transportation to a local meat processor and a reputable taxidermist is available upon request.
Ready to plan your dream hunt?
Call us at 210-844-9295
Jacob Sheep
Ovis aries
For the adventure of a lifetime, and a legendary ram like the Jacob Sheep, we can help find you the right animal and hunt style to fit your specific goals. Our guided Safari style Jacob Sheep hunts venture to the open grasslands and put you squarely in front of the action, poised for that infamous trophy shot.
More About The Jacob Sheep:
Foragers, the Jacob Sheep’s nutrient rich diet consists of grass, leaves, shrubs and ferns. With their two-stage digestive system, they firstly graze on the grub, and later regurgitate it in what is known to Texas cattle country as, ‘cud’.
Predominantly herd animals with excellent hearing and an unbelievable range of sight, these animals are on top of their game 24/7. An experienced Jacob Sheep hunting guide well versed in walk-n-stalk methods will be needed to mount this trophy to your wall!
The life expectancy of the Syrian Jacob Sheep is between 6 ½ -11 years. During that time, ewes will birth 1-3 lambs per year and weigh up to 140 lbs. Fully mature rams on the other hand can tip the scales at 200 lbs.
Can tolerate the extreme temperatures of Texas very well.
Four-horned rams taut two vertical middle horns of up to 30” or more, and two shorter side horns which grow down along the extremity of their head. Ewes are not only smaller in circumference and shorter in length, but are more delicate than it’s ram counterpart.
The amazing Jacob Sheep have a rather unnerving ability to see a field of vision of 300 degrees - meaning the hunted Jacob Sheep does not need to turn it’s head to see you stalking them!